How Clinical Trials Work
A clinical trial is a research study designed to answer specific questions about a new treatment or a new way of using a current treatment. Clinical trials are used to establish whether a potential new treatment reliably produces the intended medical benefit and is safe. Learn how clinical trials work here.

Clinical Trials: Terms to Know
Explore terms to know related to stem cell clinical trials.

Informed Consent Form
If you are offered an investigational stem cell treatment as part of a clinical trial or an unproven stem cell “treatment” outside of a clinical trial you should receive an Informed Consent Form or Treatment Consent Form. Learn more about this form and what to expect here.

What should I ask when considering taking part in a clinical trial?
Explore a list of questions and safety considerations you should ask yourself when considering taking part in a clinical trial.

How can I learn about stem cell clinical trials?
Explore where you can learn more on clinical trials and the precautions you should take before partipicating.